"Money-Fund Vote Is Sought" writes the weekend Wall Street Journal. The article says, "The head of the Securities and Exchange Commission is pushing her divided agency toward a vote on tougher rules for the $2.6 trillion money-market mutual-fund industry, according to government officials familiar with the matter. The vote would force SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro's four fellow commissioners to take a public position on the issue, with the goal of breaking a month's long impasse that has prevented Ms. Schapiro from advancing the new rules." Also, on Friday, The Wall Street Journal featured the editorial "A History of Money Funds". It says, "Opponents of reforming money-market funds need to make up their minds. Staying abreast of their contradictory arguments is harder than tracking which celebrities are dating a Kardashian." See also, Sunday's NY Times' "Suggested Safeguards Irk Fund Industry". Finally, see the archived webcast of last week's Senate Banking Committee hearing, "Perspectives on Money Market Mutual Fund Reforms".