"Union Station Gets Dressed Up for the SEC" says a blog posting by the Chamber of Commerce's Alice Joe. She comments, "DC Metro riders passing through Union Station may notice the stop has a new look. Beginning today, the Chamber's Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness is running an ad blitz, covering the station with questions about why regulators intend to revamp money market mutual funds when they work so well for American businesses, cities, and investors as a cash management tool. With the station's location next to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the right regulators will be confronted with important and unanswered questions about pending reforms.... Before regulators embark on wholesale changes to money market mutual fund regulation, they need to ask themselves more questions: Why will more regulation fundamentally change the structure and characteristics of money market mutual funds? Have we identified the specific problem through empirical evidence to justify the changes? Why now? Will the cumulative effect of this proposal along with Dodd-Frank mandated rules impair the capital markets so broadly that it will impair business' ability to raise needed capital? Why these solutions? Do these changes address the perceived problem? Do the benefits outweigh the risks? There haven't been satisfactory answers to these questions, but by getting in front of regulators in a highly visual way, we hope to force their attention to the many questions that remain."