Looking Long-Term: Ranking Top Money Market Funds by 10-Year Return. Too often, investors choose funds based on recent performance. While money funds are different due to the predominance of expense ratios in returns and due to their rapidly changing investments,
long-term performance still means something, especially when current yields are shifting as fast as they are now. Below, we list the
top-performing money market mutual funds ranked by 10-year annualized returns through Sept. 30, 2007. At No. 1 is a three-
way tie between
American Beacon MM Select,
Janus Institutional MMF Inst, and
Vanguard Prime MMF Instit with 10-
yr returns of 3.
95%. The
Crane Money Fund Average returned 3.
49% and the
Crane 100 Money Fund Index returned 3.
65% over this period. Tied at No. 4 are
Prudential Instit Liq Port MM Ser I and
Russell Money Market Fund S with returns of 3.
94%, followed by
AIM STIT Liquid Assets Inst,
Citi Institutional Liquid Reserves A,
Federated Prime Value Oblig IS,
Phoenix Insight MMF I, and
Evergreen Institutional MM I, all tied at No. 6 with 3.
93% returns.